Lose yourself in the intricate details of “Forest Series 6” by Amitabh Sengupta. Created in 2023, this canvas showcases the artist’s deep connection with nature through acrylic and mixed media. 🍂🖌️ #VisionsArt #NatureArt #Paintings |
Lose yourself in the intricate details of “Forest Series 6” by Amitabh Sengupta. Created in 2023, this canvas showcases the artist’s deep connection with nature through acrylic and mixed media. 🍂🖌️ #VisionsArt #NatureArt #Paintings |
Lose yourself in the intricate details of “Forest Series 6” by Amitabh Sengupta. Created in 2023, this canvas showcases the artist’s deep connection with nature through acrylic and mixed media. 🍂🖌️ #VisionsArt #NatureArt #Paintings |
Artists | |
Medium | Acrylic & Mixed Media |
Size | 44 X 54'' |
Style | Abstract |
Surface | Canvas |