Unforgettable Charms” is a series of paintings that delves into the significant memories of my life,
portraying the emotional connections between humans and both living beings and material possessions. It taps into the
universal sense of nostalgia we all experience, triggered by recollections of the past, be it an old house, cherished
household items, pets, friends, or family. Within this series, I’ve explored the interplay of lines, symbolic elements, the
creation and distortion of space, and a rich palette of colors.
Year: 2019
Technique / Medium (incl. full description of surface). Acrylic on canvas
Measurements – As Applicable 🙁 Height, Width, Length, and Weight) (indicate unit). H 60 x W 60 cm, Depth- 5 cm.
Unforgettable Charms” is a series of paintings that delves into the significant memories of my life, portraying the emotional connections between humans and both living beings and material possessions. It taps into the universal sense of nostalgia we all experience, triggered by recollections of the past, be it an old house, cherished household items, pets, friends, or family. Within this series, I’ve explored the interplay of lines, symbolic elements, the creation and distortion of space, and a rich palette of colors.